Now the Zulu War project is on the back burner I have returned to my Flames of War force. I had started these P47's before the getting sidetracked. As before these are Battlefront models, but the planes I believe are 1/144th scale, not 1/100th like the infantry and vehicles.

One of the fighters has been completed, and the two on either side are primed (I use Halford's Black primer) and the undersides have been started. All paints referred to are by Games Workshop (unless otherwise stated).

Now the undersides have been completed. The base colour is Boltgun Metal, followed by a wash of Badab Black. Then drybrushed, Chainmail, Mithril Silver (lightly), Codex Grey (lightly), and finished by applying Tamiya's Weathering Master, silver. The weathering powder is not applied to the whole of the underside, but just were I felt it needed a lift to 'brighten' the paint work. The panels have been keylined with Badab Black, to pick them out.

This was the first plane I completed, and I did not dry brush the model but applied the highlights with a 'wet' brush. I think I prefer the result above so this will be touched up, by drybrushing the underside again. Also no silver weathering powder has been applied.

The upper surface of the model has been painted in a camo scheme of Charadon Granite and Adeptus Battlegrey. The nose and tail rudder (which cannot be seen) have been painted Calthan Brown as a base colour for the respective squadron colours. Again I have keylined the panels with Badab Black wash.
Part 2 to follow soon.
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